
Friday, 8 November 2013

Liebster Award

So my blog was nominated for the Liebster Award! It was nominated by the lovely Tiffanie from or as she likes to be called ..Mystic Fury!

The Liebster Award is designed to give recognition to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. So it gives a chance for bloggers like myself to be recognised.
The rules
You must link back to the person that nominated you.
You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers. 
You must come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

Here's the answers to the questions that Tiffanie has asked me..

Who have you admired in your life?
Lana Del Rey. And I still do. She's not you're average music artist and she doesn't do it for the money. She does it because she wants people to hear what she has to say and I love her outlook on life. To me, her music is a lot more authentic and honest than what you usually hear on T.V.

What is your favorite reading material?
Honestly, I don't read a lot as I never have time, but I religiously get Cosmo every month. Other than that I own quite a few Lauren Conrad books.

What is your dream job?
Make Up Artist, of course.

How do you manage blogging in everyday life?
I don't. Ha. I have a job other than this so it's a bit difficult as a lot of it is preparation as well but I'm trying! I also procrastinate a lot so that doesn't help!

Where is your ideal retirement location?
Haven't quite decided that yet. I'd like to travel to a few different places when I retire though.

Have you ever visited a castle?
A few that are ruins from castles but I don't remember any of their names!

Describe an epic moment in your life.
Having my blog nominated for this was pretty epic.. :)

What is your favorite holiday?
Disney Land Paris when I was a child, for sure!

Has a movie/film ever changed your views on a particular subject?
I studied film in college so had to learn to read into films and have views and opinions on them and discuss them afterwards. At the time I thought it was stupid and pointless but it is nice to have a discussion about it afterwards to see other peoples views on it.
I watched Prisoners recently and that really hit me. I felt extremely upset afterwards and even though I know it was based on true events and it happens all the time, to me I couldn't quite believe that someone would do that and things like that happen in the world. That film really stuck with me.

What are your thoughts on true love/soul mates?
I'm not sure about soul mates. I don't not believe in it, but for me I just feel like you can love people in life but there's one person that everyone is just meant to be with.

One word to describe your favourite teachers or boos.

My list of Liebster Awards

My questions
Why did you start blogging?
Who is your favourite blogger and why?
A good piece of advice you've picked up.
Best film you've seen this year and why?
Who is your biggest influence in life and why?
Worst habit?
What makes you happy?
Favourite song right now?
Name a song or film you secretly love.
Where would you visit in the world if you could?
What relaxes you?

Thank you for reading!

Sophie x

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