
Sunday, 12 October 2014

What In My Bag?

Hello everyone!
Today I'm going to be doing my first 'What's in my bag' post. Every girl loves a good nose around
and see what other girls carry around with them. Mine's not really interesting (not to me anyway!)
but I hope you enjoy it!

Zara Bag Similar Here
I got this bag in April for my birthday and I love it. It's goes with everything. You can hold the smaller
straps on your arms or use the longer strap to wear on your shoulder and you can fit a decent amount of
stuff in here!

TK Maxx Purse - Similar Here
This purse was an abolsutely bargain! I just needed something simple and cheap with a lot of card space!
It was £5 in TK Maxx on sale. That's pretty damn good if you ask me!

H&M Butterfly Coin Purse
I usually keep this in my bag with change in it for parking as I don't like loads of change in my purse.
That's the joys of having a car!

I always carry my deodorant around with me just incase! I've been using this one from Nivea but recently
I picked up the stick form of Mitchum and I prefer it so much more!

I always like to carry some sort of perfume or body spray with me just to make sure I'm smelling nice all day long!

Sometimes I'll stick a lipgloss or balm in my bag just to gives my lips a bit of colour.

Ibuprofen Tablets
I try my best not to take any pain killers if I can help it, but if I've ever got a migraine or it's that time of
the month, these are life saviours!

You should always keep hydrated!

Chewing Gum
It's always good to carry some with you, just incase!

I can't drive or get in my house without them..

Photography by Sophie Ford
Thanks for reading!
Sophie X

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